Dr. Jennifer Franklin
Math Teacher
Courses Taught:
Math Connections 6th, 7th and 8th Grades
![Staff Staff](https://content.schoolinsites.com/api/documents/94622ec6a4d249b4b653a714990992ed.png)
Bachelors of Business Administration, University of Georgia
Masters of Business Administration, Georgia College
Doctorate of Curriculum & Instruction PhD, Mercer University
Dr. Franklin’s Lessons
For 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Math Connections
I hope everyone is comfortable and well. I have certainly missed you all and look forward to seeing you again soon, virtually. Our school system has chosen to use Google Classroom as a tool to deliver instruction and information to students. Under "Good Stuff," I included a link and a pdf file for how to access Google Classroom from your device.
Assignments will be posted in Google Classroom. We will continue to use i-Ready and will sometimes use Zoom to meet as a class.
For now, access Google Classroom to see your classes. This is where I will post all assignments and instructions for the lessons.
If you need me, just email me: Jennifer.Franklin@hcbe.net. My office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 to 11:50.
You know, our motto, “EVERY MATH MINUTE MATTERS.” I also believe that your personal interactions with friends is important. Friends and Family sustain us.
“There are big ships and small ships.
But the best ship is Friendship.”
I hope you have found a way to enjoy some of your free time, even though we are all practicing social distancing. We can still connect with friends through technology, so do that. Reach out to your friends-snap, post, like, face-time, call—whatever works. Stay safe and be healthy.
I miss you all,
Dr. Franklin